
Let's be healed by massage!

There is a very comfortable massage shop called "YURUMU".
It is 10 minutes walking distance from Guesthouse KYOTO COMPASS.
We sometimes go there to be relaxed.
COMPASS MAMA told me she fell asleep because it's super comfortable^^
the exterior of the shop

Just bring yourself.
They prepare the clothes for the massage.

The massage will be started after having counseling.

Super comfortable!
 I was in the Seventh Heaven~

The conversation took a lively turn.
I refreshed my body and my heart there.

The fee is only 3210 yen/60 min.
This amount includes tax. It's an affordable price, isn't it?
Why don't you go to "YURUMU" to be healed after get tired from walking, when it's raining, or as a reward for working hard.

